Last amended on 6/15/2024

Data safety

Safety starts with understanding how we use your data. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. Below is more information about the kind of data this app uses.

Location data

User Location Data is used by the Streaming App to grant access to users within the KCWX-TV broadcast service area. User data is not recorded, stored, or transmitted in any form. This App's program streams are FREE. There is no charge or financial liability to any of the App users. No Usage data, or programming preference data is collected.

Agreement to Changes or Updates

We reserve the right to make changes and update any information or Content contained within the Services and Terms without either prior notice or notice other than by revision of the Terms. Changes are effective when they are posted. You have the obligation to review changes to these Terms when you access or re-access the Services. If you do not agree to, or cannot comply with the revised Terms, you must stop using the Services.

No data shared with third parties

This app doesn't share any user data with other companies or organizations. A user may delete this App at any time and there is no record created or kept by the developer.